Nose Fillers with Simplistiq


Im back to blogging again!

This space would be for an elaborated description for things/experiences I go through in my day to day life.
So here I am, dedicating my first ever post to Simplistiq.

I am really ecstatic to be onboard with Simplistiq for my virgin experience with nose fillers in which they call it the DERMAL FILLERS BELOTERO® INTENSE. Click the link for more info.

Have been meaning to try nose fillers as I am always dissatisfied with my button nose.

Two problem areas of my nose:
1) The lack of nose bridge
2) My button front, its a tad too meaty my my liking. I HATE IT.

However, I have absolutely no guts to do any invasive surgery because I am REALLY REALLY AFRAID OF PAIN, a very low threshold.

I can’t deal with the downtime and a nose surgery is too drastic a change for me.
Hence, given this opportunity from Simplistiq, I am so thankful that it changed my life/nose – a little.

Let me show you a picture of my ugly round bulbous nose.

As you can see, my nose bridge starts from the bottom of my eyes.

This is a mugshot I took before my fillers in the clinic.
I can’t deal with my button nose URGHHHH.
Anyhoos, I deliberately went out without contouring my nose because I knew that I would take a before and after, so yep.

I would contour my nose usually, cause I really can’t deal with a flat nose.

Here’s the process of my nose fillers.

I had a consultation with Dr YZ Tan, ig: @dr.yztan.

Next, the numbing cream.
Say, 30 mins?

Here comes the injection.

I hate needles and they scare the shit out of me.

So the very kind ppl from Simplistiq gave me a cushion to hug and my eyes were completely shut during the injection.

I was really surprised that it is not painful at all!!!
like 0% pain?!

All I felt was something touching my nose HAHA.

This was for my nose bridge.

However, when it comes to the nose tip, it was slightly sensitive, so the sensation felt like somebody squeezing blackheads, but less painful.

Yep, I think I can describe this feeling pretty well as I had a facial the day before so I still had the discomfort at the back of my mind.

Here comes the aftermath of my fillers.

A collage of before and after side by side:

As you can see, theres a slight change to my nose bridge, the change is really mild as Dr Tan believes in subtle enhancement; and he has done it perfectly!!
I am too conservative in the sense that I hate seeing drastic changes to my face. So for a start, Dr Tan gave me something natural and minimal.

More pictures to show how having fillers change my look, not drastically, but I feel that I look better.

Guess it’s really the skills of an aesthetic doctor that determines how you look after fillers!!!

Thank you Dr Tan!!!! You are nothing short of AMAZING!!!

I took this selfie after my fillers.

Notice that theres some slight bruising, but rest assure that IT IS PERFECTLY NORMAL.
You can conceal it with some makeup.

Looks like my concealer is not good enough haha!!!

Day 3 before work.

No contouring of my nose BTW!!! AND MY NOSE BRIDGE IS DAMN OBVIOUS!!!!

Side view.

Do y’all agree that it is job done well and naturally?!

Not only I saw a difference in my selfies, but my photos from my shoots show a lot!!!

I did not contour my nose on purpose, because what for ya?! I have nose fillers and isn’t that the purpose – to look good without makeup.

My nose bridge is damn obvious here!!!! omg!!!

Psst:// Outfit from the new collection on The Design Closets

You can find the top here and the backorder of the skirt here.
Its really my kind of casual look btw!! Go get it!!!

I kept the shirt in blue.

Heres another angle of my nose that shows my super obvious nose bridge!!

I FINALLY HAVE A NOSE BRIDGE and it definitely creates an illusion of a smaller face.

All thanks to Simplistiq!!! I am so so soooo thankful. :’)

Can’t wait to try the other treatments they offer in their clinic; so do check them out if you’re keen to visit the clinic!!!

They’re located at:
8A Marina Boulevard, Marina Bay Link Mall, #B2-52
Operating Hours-
Monday to Friday: 11am to 8pm
Saturday: 11am to 4.30pm

Till then!
Stay beautiful ;D

8 thoughts on “Nose Fillers with Simplistiq”

  1. Hi eexuan, may I know how much does the nose filler cost at simplistiq(mixup) cost? And how many session you have to go ?:) thanks!

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