Double Suture & Twist with MeClinic (Johor Bahru)


I am finally doing this long awaited post to address all of your enquiries on this Double Suture & Twist procedure that I did with Me Clinic (Johor Bahru) recently.

First of all, I would like to thank ALL of you for the enquiries! I was still cracking my brains on what to write about this whole procedure.

Thank you ladies!!!

I know that many of you actually asked me why I did it when I have double eyelids….. or maybe non-existent double eyelids (we call it 内双)
The truth is, my double eyelids are too thin for my liking, ESP when I smile or have eyeliner on, it is as good as having no double eyelids.

On top of that, I have super uneven eyes. Even a few makeup artists that I have worked with before had a lot of problems making them even… till one day, this makeup artist that I met during a print ad shoot introduced me to eyelid tapes.

&I have had them on ever since, perhaps for about 5 years?


As you can tell from this picture above, my eyes are really…. I dont know how should I describe this… It looked horrendous I kennut la sial.


You girls knew what I meant right??? Like my double eyelids were non-existent. Looking at my old pictures just make me wanna burn all of them. *sighpie*



Back to the topic on double eyelid stickers, I found a picture of me having them on for the very first time!!!


doubleyelid sticker

The makeup artist did a good job on my eyes, but not exactly my eyebrows as they were way too thin for my age. I was 21 or 22 then? I can’t remember when though.


I am so sorry for our kan cui photo before the procedure. I was super deprived of sleep because I WAS BLARDY WORRIED.  & ivy just came back from a flight with zero sleep. lul… You know the feeling of not knowing what to expect? Yup, so I spent the whole night reading up on the procedure, asking my bf to pinch my eyelids so I can kinda have a feel of what it is going to be like. HAHAHAH I sound retarded.


My nervous 内双 face before the surgery, SUPER HATE MY ONE BIG ONE SMALL EYES!!!!!


I have compiled a list of questions with regards to the double eyelid procedure, so here you go!!!!

Why did I choose to go for this procedure and not continue having double eyelids stickers on?

Pretty simple, I wanted something long term n not having to worry whether I brought extra eyelid tapes when I am out. (just in case my eyelids get oily and the tapes get visible)

Was the procedure painful?

To be REALLY REALLY honest, the process was not painful.

However I would not say that it was not painful AT ALL. It was the local anaesthesia that stung. & when I say that it stings, means its pretty painful, but the pain lasts for about 3 secs for every jab.

Upon 10 perhaps 6? Mind you, I have a very low threshold for pain.

How long will the procedure last?

30 mins! Approx 15 mins for each eye,

What is the process of the whole procedure?

  1. A consultation with Dr David to see if my eyes were suitable for the procedure. (The DST procedure is unfortunately not for everyone. Fatty eyelids are unfortunately a no go.)

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This was my reaction when I was told that the doctor would have to flip and jab my eyes on the underside of my eyelids. IT SOUNDED SUPER INTIMIDATING OKAY.

2. Preparation for the procedure – cleansing

I was starting to freak out as they were cleansing my face for the preparation. Super thankful for the nice and comforting staff in the clinic that kept me ‘sane’ during the procedure. I teared up a little, and they kept comforting me, giving me a pillow to hug and squeeze. Trust me, when you are alone in the cold room, you’ll need that.

3. Dr David will start doing crease markings on my eyelids

Was recommended to do the medium crease for a natural look.

And a tapered crease too.

4. The scariest part – the jab.

I had 3 jabs on the top of my eyelids.


As illustrated here, on the eyelids and on the underside of the eyelids.

& 3 jabs on the underside of the eyelids (flipped)

Messages Image(3886117909)

I know this sounds CRAZILY scary. I was so scared during the consultation that I was close to tears okay!!! But… I teared a little before the procedure. BECAUSE IM A COWARD OKAYYYY I ADMIT!

5. The doctor will start sewing the first eye and then the next.

I felt nothing after the jab. This is why I specifically highlighted that the scariest parts of the procedure were the jabs and not the procedure itself. I felt nothing, perhaps only the tugging and pulling of the eyelids when he was sewing it.


Felt so stupid and embarrassed for being a baby because I cried. HAHAH! I hope everyone reading this won’t judge me, as a 26 yr old I’d still cry over things like jabs HAHAH *PAISEH*


The doctor would tug and make sure that the threads were tight and fastened. The ‘sensation’ was weird, tbh. But, no pain okay!



After the procedure….

My ever-so-supportive Haohao came in and I just had to smile for the camera.

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Was given an ice pack to ice my eyelids.

Was there any pain after the procedure?

For me, NO. Zero pain. Totally nothing. Just that, my eyelids felt super heavy and tight. I can’t open my eyes totally.



$4.8k RM

Why DST and not cut?

DST is scarless, reversible and a no incision procedure, we wouldn’t call it a surgery as there is no cutting involved so yeppp.

Downtime is close to zero, at least for me…

The cutting surgery is permanent. So if the doctor screws up, it would mean your eyelids are as good as gone. It’ll scar, so it would not look as natural.

HUH!!! Johor Bahru, KL, Malaysia eh? Reliable not? I thought Korea or Taiwan would be better?!

Yeap this was my exact reaction when my friend told me that she did hers in Me Clinic (Berjaya Times Square). I absolutely have no clue that she did her eyelids. Furthermore, hers was beautifully done!!! Sometimes, it is really not the country that affects the outcome. I would say that it is really the skills of the doctor that did the procedure for you. I have friends that did theirs in Korea and got screwed over. So.. do the math yo’self!!!

How long will this last?

Sewing methods are usually not permanent. Say 5 – 10 years? It really depends on your eyelids and how fat it is! I have a few aunties that I know of had their eyelids sewn and theirs are still going strong.



I was super fortunate that my recovery process was a BRISK.

I did a super YOLO thing by heading to work for an event the very next day.

Took this picture right after the surgery when I got home:






okay let me do a little explanation here.

My left eye (the one that looks weirdly swollen) was super swollen and I felt really ugly after the procedure.

That’s the thing about going thru a surgery, there’s always this insecurity within you that tells you ”Hey! Maybe it will not get better and you will look like this for the rest of your life.” Y’know…..

On the contrary, my right eye swelled beautifully, it is almost like the height I’ve always desired – with double eyelid tapes (like the picture below)



I iced my eyes before I slept, so thankful that Haohao was there to take care of me. Thanks love <3

Day 1


I woke up feeling better, the swell has gone down a little too. Very optimistic about my recovery.

Went to work still!! YOLO OKAY!!!


Hao and I took a cab together to work. Here’s an irritating photo of him showing off his LEGIT eyelids and mine’s the artificial one *roll eyes*


My lovely partner and I.  The crew commented that the swell was not as bad as I thought it was. So thank god I didn’t look abnormal.

Day 2


The swell has gone down significantly. This was my face without makeup. Intended to do the makeup in the car for my shoot.

Side views:

FBD279A9-DAE4-4273-8E6E-ED6736977946 5E2E2F6B-2081-4863-88A7-9C52D995BD41

In fact my right eye looked normal.


I guess I look really normal with eyeliner and eyelashes on ya?

RMB ladies!!! No eyeshadow at all for about 1 week because it might cause an infection.

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Day 3


Worked for a golf event:





Made a collage from day 1, 3, 5, 7 for you girls to see the difference better.


Told you all that my recovery was a walk in the park!!!

I could do my usual stuff from day 1, like wearing lenses, go to work etc. However, do note that each individual has a different reaction to the procedure, so do not get your hopes high okay!


This was after a week, the scars were fading pretty fast!


VS a 3 months after the procedure.


Totally scarless!!!!!!!!!!


and my eyes now, as of today, 26/1/17.

Pretty even ya? I think Dr David did a good job with my eyes and it was worth the 30 mins of ”torture”.

BTW, I am also in the midst of editing my vlog on the recovery process! Will upload it on youtube soon!!! Stay tuned okay?!

Throw me more questions if you must!!!



For more IG posts on my procedure, go to my instagram, @eexuan with the #eexuanDSTmeclinic.


Much thanks to the sweetest Jenni, from Me Clinic for being such a sweetheart!!! <3 See you soon for the official opening!!!!

And not forgetting, Thank you Dr David!!! (I dun have a picture with him I just realised!!!)

&&& So…..

Here are the details of the clinic in Johor Bahru:

ME Clinic:

JB- No.11, Jalan Sutera Tanjung 8/3, Taman Sutera Utama, 81300, Skudai,Johor

& If you are keen to have your DST done with them, book an appointment with them, (RMB TO QUOTE MY NAME FOR A FREE CONSULTATION) at:
+6018-231 8122(Whatsapp)
or call 607-554 0518


Psst:// show you guys some pictures in comparison of how I grew out of my stupid eyelids. LUL


No double eyelid stickers, terrible eyebrow drawing.




With double eyelid stickers

eyelid sticker



After DST procedure.

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49 thoughts on “Double Suture & Twist with MeClinic (Johor Bahru)”

  1. I’ve been reading about DST since last year as I have one big one small eye too.

    Googled ME clinic review but all was done in KL which is a no for me in terms of location.

    Waiting for reunion dinner and I just click on Instagram and yours came out on my explore page. Definitely a pleasant surprise to find the location in JB!

    Think your post will be the one for me and 26 birthday gift for myself this year.

  2. Amazing results. Well done! I had a blepharoplasty in Singapore last year and I am glad from the results, too. of course, after the swelling vanished. Keep posting!

  3. Hi. Do u wear contact lens? Does it affect DST in long run? Cause we have to stretch the eyes when we wear and remove contact lens.

    1. eyeshadow u apply on ur wound ma, eyeliner u dun touch ur wound, its above ur lash line as opposed to your lid.

    1. sometimes your eyes will get used to the shape of the thread and still have the dbl eyelids, if not u can opt for an incision surgery as u are alr used to the dbl eyelids look. this procedure is good as it can change and adjust according to what you like, provided that your eyes are suitable! hence u need to go for the consultation first!

  4. Hello! May I know if you did tapered or parallel? (= So sorry if you have answered this question a million times! Thanks!!

    1. Hi! I didn’t get to choose tapered or parallel as ultimately it will drop and form a shape of its own! it was parallel when it was swollen, now its tapered!

        1. it was parallel cos it is swollen! but after the swell is gone it will either stay parallel or tapered. you can’t really choose for this procedure actually!

  5. Hi Ee Xuan! After looking through all the blog posts about the DST technique, your eyes were the only one that actually looked nice after a year, everyone else had droopy eyes 🙁 ! I saw on one of your instagram pictures that you reviewed the height of the eyelids? Does that mean that after a few months you went in for a revision and got them redone? Thank you!

    1. Sorry! I meant, when did you do your revision? So i can gauge how much the crease has dropped 🙂 thank you so much!

  6. Hi,

    You started going out like immediately the next day. In this case how do you perform your icing? Do you ice it that frequent as required for first 3 days? The thought of the jabs really scared me.

    1. I ice every night!
      Yes babe, i cried hahahahahahahhahahaha.
      honestly, it is very bearable. definitely will be scared but oh well.. in the name of beauty!
      and yes, i went to work the next day, nod noticed about my dbl eyelids!

    1. For me as mentioned in the blogpost, on that day only! but downtime for makeup is 1 week! u can ask qns on that day!

  7. is it safe and reliable? would the height drop alot after the procedure? i am thinking of doing it but i am sooooo scared that it will turn out bad. are you able to do the procedure on the day of the consultation? do you have to go back for review and how long is it after the procedure? thanks!!!!

    1. Babe! I have done it two times, so it is fine! 🙂 YEs review one month later! not be scared cos I am a scaredy cat myself haha! I did it on the same day!

  8. Hi,
    Does the thread dissolves over a period or permanent.?
    If its permanent, the suture does not last after 10 years , do we have to remove the thread ?

  9. Hi,will u feel something when u blink your eye? I mean the stitches? N how Long aft the DST, u can put on your contact len? Thks

  10. Hi can i check for the jab injecting part. Do you feel the pain for all 6 jabs? Do doctor jab outer lid first or inner lid?

    1. it is more like a sting than pain! both inner n outer! sounds v scary but its v fast and not as painful as you think

  11. So the doc is based now in KL? Which doc to look for if i wana get it done in JB?
    And also must the eyelash extensions b removed when u do the surgery?

    1. yes! but they have another in-house doc that is equally good!!! eyelash extensions was not removed for my procedure!

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