Review: The Moisturizers Co. – Cell Regenerate Gel Cream / Brightening Moisturizing Cream

The Moisturizers Co.™ creates a new age moisturizer that penetrates the skin deep with it’s active ingredients specially formulated by the moisturizers experts – skincare chemists.


Was sent a day moisturizer (top)Cell Regenerate Gel Cream with Mulberry and Squalane and the night moisturizer (bottom)Brightening Moisturizing Cream with Arbutin and Vitamins.

& Oh! BTW!!! The Moisturizers Co.™ is a Singaporean brand!!! It is always a good thing to support local! & Trust me when I say that their moisturizers are LEGIT stuff!

You know how humid Singapore is and having heavy products on the skin is just a no-no? I am a classic example of a person that doesn’t include moisturizing as part of my skincare regime. Why? Most moisturizers in the market are either:

  1. Too oily
  2. Smells bad
  3. Doesn’t absorb into the skin fast enough; feels super heavy on the skin when applied

& do you know that even if you have SUPER oily skin, there is still a need to moisturize? This is because when the skin feels that it is lacking of moisture, it will produce more sebum – oilier skin and more acne/pimples :O

So lets all debunk this myth of ‘oily skin – don’t need to moisturize cause enough moisture in the skin’

Now, what about dry skin?

What if you don’t moisturize?

Dry skins are usually very prone to wrinkling and as a result, YOU AGE FASTER!!!!

Hence, having a moisturized skin is important.

If you are wondering which category I belong to?

I have super dry skin, which means if I don’t start the moisturizing habit since the ‘tender age’ of 26, I might prematurely age faster 🙁

This scares me. HAHA.


Cell Regenerate Gel Cream with Mulberry and Squalane.

  1. Helps to regenerate collagen (from the Squalane) within the skin by encouraging skin cells growth and retaining moisture with just one application
  2. Contains anti-oxidant (from the Mulberry Extract) that prevents skin from free-radical damages which might accelerate ageing if not prevented, hence this moisturizer shields your skin from the harm


The texture?

SUPER DUPER LIGHT, the gel cream just melts into my skin with one application, leaving a healthy glow on my skin!

The smell?

It has this very comforting baby powder smell. Super nostalgic.


Super happy with this moisturizer and I recall that my friends love it too! Everyone wanted to use it everyday during my Bali trip and I, of course obliged.

I love sharing good things especially when it comes to things related to Beauty.


I love it when my skin is moisturized and full of elasticity after application. It makes putting on sunblock and makeup much easier as I found that my skin absorbs the moisturizers very well.

It also assists in holding my makeup better.


My skin is glowing right here ya?!?!


Steps for application:

  1. Dot 5 dots on your face (forehead, cheeks, nose and chin)
  2. Spread them evenly
  3. Remember to apply on your neck too! (The skin around the neck is super susceptible to ageing, so we should always apply our moisturizer there!)


Here is my glowing skin without makeup!!!

Having a good complexion really helps you build confidence in just being in your own skin without makeup! Moisturizing really helps!!!






The night cream – Brightening Moisturizing Cream with Arbutin and Vitamins.

  1. Brightens (from Arbutin, this agent removes freckles and skin pigmentation)
  2. Moisturizes deeply all thanks to the vitamins derivatives, leaving a glowing and supple skin the next day.


The texture?

Luxurious yet light, melts into the skin too VERY QUICKLY.

The smell?

Lemongrass!!!! Super soothing, after application, it smells like you are gonna have a massage in a spa.


This product has become my holy grail. Trust me when I say that it really gives you a glow the next day with super duper soft skin.

Again, my friends were using my moisturizer in Bali HAHAH!


Really impressed with these Moisturizers thus far, no breakouts or whatsoever.







For application:


  1. Dot.




2) Spread.

& do not leave out your neck okay!!!




Yay to glowing skin the next morning!!!

My skin can even look like it is glowing and bright without any make up on!! Very amazing.


All in all, the moisturizers REALLY do not feel heavy at all on the skin and I am really all about light formulas, therefore I really highly recommend these moisturizers.


Remember to incorporate moisturizing day and night into your skincare regime, because I can’t emphasise enough on HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO ‘FEED YOUR SKIN’!

Both moisturizers work hand in hand to meet your day and night needs, so here is a promo code for you all when you shop at The Moisturisers Co.™  – EEXUAN10 – for 10% OFF when you purchase both Cell Regenerate Gel Cream and Brightening Moisturizing Cream!

For more information you can check out:

Here is a video on how this moisturizer has been incorporated into my skincare regime, and it is also my first video on my youtube channel!!! DO SHOW SOME LOVE OKAYYYY




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